Ladies and gentlemen,

There are two main challenges facing ASAC :

On the one hand, fraud and non-insurance, and on the other hand the development of turnover in our market, the image of the sector with the public, the visibility and organization of the profession.

1. On The Challenge Of Fraud.

The main scourge plaguing the development of the insurance sector and even threatening the existence of some insurance companies is insurance fraud which is present at all stages of the insurance operation.

We implement policies to combat insurance fraud through:


The centralization of the ordering of certificates as at Pool TPV and the dematerialization of the insurance subscription, this measure which is inspired by what is already done in transport insurance will allow:

– To increase security on certificates,

– To guarantee its traceability and not to charge companies in addition to undue claims, uncollected DTAs,

– To fight against the misappropriation of premiums,

– To have real-time information on the situation of any motorist and therefore reliable statistics thanks to the advantages offered by NICTs.


The central file of aggravated risks which, beyond its traditional objectives allowing to identify critical insureds, will update the list of deceased or seriously injured victims, stolen or wrecked vehicles in order to prevent, as currently, victims compensated by a first insurer do not get paid a second time, or even a third time, by one or more other insurers.

2. On The Challenge Of Development, Image Visibility And Organization.

This challenge is met thanks to the existence of a strong solidarity between the members of our association who, in the words of Martin Luther King Junior, have learned to live together as brothers rather than dying all together, like idiots.

Also, ASAC plans to :

– To amplify the action of the State in favor of the development of insurance by working to make the subscription of compulsory insurance effective, through the creation of the RC pool of activities subject to compulsory insurance: pledge of the ” comprehensiveness of coverage for all taxable persons, inclusion of a promise of insurance in responses to calls for tenders for public works contracts and production of an insurance certificate to obtain the service order , make the DGI aware of the obstacle to the development of insurance represented by the obligation to register insurance contracts, particularly in health insurance, with the help of the supervisory authority of our sector, support reflection on insurance State vehicles and the establishment of a death insurance obligation for all employees and students of State and private schools and universities, in the name of the promotion of national solidarity: relay of solidarities family often in default, slow down the decline of the Transport branch,

– Increase its visibility in decision-making circles to better play its role of institutional investors and security providers,

– Improve its image in the public by animation by all insurers and their implications in the direct compensation system for policyholders and the holding of claims settlement meetings between companies, a solution to the congestion of its services and guarantee of an improvement in its technical results, reduced loadings for late and management costs on the SAP thus liquidated in addition to a better recovery of appeals, and therefore better consideration of recourse forecasts, the design and the implementation of a common communication aimed at promoting the sector, the perception of ASAC in functional and attractive premises,

– To strengthen its General Secretariat, by providing it with Human Resources with various skills: insurance professionals, actuaries, statisticians, IT specialists, etc., to make it the prime contractor for the transformation of our market.

I thank you for your attention.

Théophile MOULONGM,

President of ASAC,

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